A ReForest WP3 & WP4 meeting took place on 17th and 18th of April in Copenhagen, Denmark. With a total of 24 participants, including 18 physically present and 6 online, it was a great success and marked the beginning of the project’s most active phase when we expect the first results.
The meeting aimed to discuss the data requirements for WP3 from the living labs and the different methods and models to collect the data. It was an exciting mix of expert talks, brainstorming sessions, and an interesting field visit.
The visit to the Taastrup Agroforestry site provided participants with an opportunity to see agroforestry practices and supported the understanding of the practical aspects of data collection and the actual functioning of agroforestry systems.
The second day of the meeting was devoted to the use of drone technology and machine learning in data collection, discussing the WP3 data collection template, and exploring AI and statistical models for ecosystem service assessment. The day concluded with a discussion about identifying synergies and data needs in models, and a common approach to data collection.
The meeting set the stage for the project’s next steps and also fostered a sense of community among the participants.