7e Europese Agroforestry Conferentie

Het ReForest Project is verheugd om zijn actieve deelname aan de 2024 European Agroforestry Conference, georganiseerd door de European Agroforestry Federation, aan te kondigen. De conferentie vindt plaats in Brno, Tsjechië, en heeft als thema "Agroforestry - Regenerating Landscapes and Diversifying Production in Europe" (Agroforestry - Herstel van landschappen en diversificatie van productie in Europa). De Europese landbouw staat voor ongekende uitdagingen, waaronder klimaatverandering, afnemende [...]

Navigating Agroforestry futures in Europe: Insights from ReForest project and FarmTree® Tool

June 27 @ 14:00 pm CET online Agroforestry holds immense benefits for farms, the environment, and society at large. Yet, its widespread adoption faces significant challenges, including the uncertainty surrounding expected environmental and profitability outcomes. Drawing insights from data collected from ReForest Living Labs across Europe, the FarmTree Tool emerges as a digital solution to this […]

ReForest Project will be Presented at the MICEB 2024 Conference in Montenegro

We are excited to announce the participation of ReForest in the upcoming MICEB 2024 Conference, organised under the framework of the CROSS REISS Project. The conference will be held in Montenegro, bringing together experts, researchers, and professionals to explore impactful solutions for sustainable agriculture and forestry in Europe. Yeganeh Forouheshfar, Senior Researcher at EMEA, will […]
