Join the REFOREST Platform: A Collaborative Space for Sustainable Agroforestry

Agroforestry is rapidly gaining recognition as a key solution for sustainable farming and land management. As a nature-based and effective practice, it offers a range of environmental, social, and economic benefits.

Developed within the ReForest project and carefully designed to be self-sustaining beyond the project’s lifetime, the ReForest platform fosters collaboration and innovation in agroforestry. Its objective is to create an inclusive and welcoming space for collaboration, bringing together farmers, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in simple and effective solutions for sustainable land management. This platform is a hub for knowledge sharing, resource access, advice, community building and mutual support, and scientific work organised into working groups that reflect key aspects of agroforestry advancements in Europe.

The Knowledge Hub
The platform offers a comprehensive range of materials to support agroforestry initiatives, including datasets, decision-support tools, reports, videos, podcasts, and more. These resources are accessible to all members and useful to them whether they are new to agroforestry or experienced in it. Members are encouraged to share resources, ensuring the hub’s continuous growth and sustainability over time.

The materials in the Knowledge Hub are easy to find, thanks to a simple and user-friendly search interface. A short description of each of the resources allows users to easily decide if a material will be useful to them even before opening it. Categories are a simple way to navigate efficiently and make the most of the resources available.

Networking and Collaboration Opportunities
Members can connect with like-minded people and collaborate on various initiatives. The platform allows users to invite colleagues, send personal messages, and publish updates on a main newsfeed to share information with other agroforestry enthusiasts. All this creates a dynamic, agroforestry-oriented social network.

Working Groups
For those interested in specific agroforestry topics, the platform offers dedicated spaces for focused collaboration. Working groups are excellent opportunities for sharing files, engaging in in-depth discussions on key issues, and participating in regular meetings. Each group is led by a working group leader who provides ongoing support and facilitation.

Current working groups include:

  • Training & Upskilling Farmers for Agroforestry
  • Agroforestry Sector Finance and Policy
  • Parameterizing Dynamic Tools for Country- or Living Lab-Specific Agroforestry Systems
  • Institutional Barriers in European Countries
  • Agronomic Productivity and Valorisation of Agroforestry Products in Living Labs

Events and Workshops
The platform’s calendar features events, webinars, and workshops organised by both the REFOREST project and external organizations. These events provide opportunities to learn from experts, exchange ideas, and gain hands-on experience in agroforestry practices.

Join the ReForest-platform and become part of a welcoming community dedicated to advancing sustainable agroforestry practices. Whether you’re a farmer, researcher, policymaker, or simply passionate about agroforestry, this platform offers the tools, resources, and connections you need to make a meaningful impact.
